Computer Basic Training

Computer Fundamentals

Dos-Disk Operating System

Windows - 98

Windows - Xp


Computer Basic



HTML - hyper text transfer protocol

File Transfer Protocol

Computer Virus






Computer Glossary


Microsoft Powerpoint
Ctrl+Z Undo

Ctrl+C Enter, Ctrl+V Ctrl+X Copy, Paste, Multiple Paste, Cut

Ctrl+F, Ctrl+H Find, Find & Replace

Ctrl+P, Ctrl+S, Ctrl+F4, Alt+F4 Print, Save, Close, Close Excel

Ctrl+Arrow Move to edge of region

Ctrl+* Select current region

Ctrl+A Select all cells

Ctrl+Home Ctrl+End Select A1, Select last cell in used range

Ctrl+Shift+End Select from active cell to last cell in used range.

Ctrl+Shift+Home Select from active cell to A1

Ctrl+Page Down Ctrl+Page Up Move to the next sheet, Move to the previous sheet

Ctrl+Tab Move to next open workbook

Ctrl+N Open new workbook

Shift+F11 Insert new worksheet

Shift+F3 Paste function window =+FunctionName+Ctrl+A Insert new function

Ctrl+Shift+Enter Array formula

Ctrl+F3, F3 Define name, Paste name

Ctrl+Spacebar Shift+Spacebar Select columns, Select rows

Ctrl+1, Ctrl+B, Ctrl+U Format cells, Bold, Underline

Ctrl+; , Ctrl+shift+: Current date, Current time


CTRL+P or CTRL+SHIFT+F12 Display the Print dialog boxUse the following keys in print preview (to get to print preview, press ALT+F, then press V):

Arrow keys Move around the page when zoomed in

PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN Move by one page when zoomed out.

CTRL+UP ARROW or CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move to the first page when zoomed out

CTRL+DOWN ARROW or CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move to the last page when zoomed out.

Work with worksheets

SHIFT+F11 or ALT+SHIFT+F1 Insert a new worksheet

ALT+O H R Rename the current sheet (Format menu, Sheet submenu, Rename command).

ALT+E M Move or copy the current sheet (Edit menu, Move or Copy Sheet command)

ALT+E L Delete the current sheet (Edit menu, Delete Sheet command).

F5 Display the Go To dialog box.

SHIFT+F5 Display the Find dialog box

SHIFT+F4 Repeat the last Find action (same as Find Next).

CTRL+MINUS SIGN (–). Delete the selected cells

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