JavaScript code, much like other programming languages, is made
up of statements which serve to make assignments, compare values,
and execute other sections of code. By and large, programmers
will already be familiar with JavaScript's usage of variables,
operators, and statements. Below is a chart summarizing the
main elements of JavaScript grammar. Following, we will look
at each element in detail.
Variables : Labels which refer to a changeable
Example: total may be possess a value of 100.
Operators :Actors which can be used to calculate
or compare values.
Example: Two values may be summed using the addition operator
(+); total+tax
Example :Two values may be compared using the greater –than
operator (>)
Expressions : Any combination of variables,
operators, and statements which evaluate to some P[;'V-O result.
In English parlance this might be termed a "sentence"
or even a "phrase", in that grammatical elements are
combined into a cogent meaning. Example: total=100;
Example: if(total>100)
:As in English, a statement pulls all grammatical elements together
into a full thought. JavaScript statements may take the form
of conditionals, loops, or object manipulations. It is good
form to separate statements by semicolons, although this is
only mandatory if multiple statements reside on the same line.
Example: if(total>100) {statements;} else {statements,}
Example: while (clicks<10) {statements;}
Objects : Containing constructs which possess
a set of values, each value reflected into an individual property
of that object. Objects are a critical concept and feature of
JavaScript. A single object may contain many properties, each
property which acts like a variable reflecting a certain value.
JavaScript can reference a large number of "built-in"
objects which refer to characteristics of a Web document. For
instance, the document object contains properties which reflect
the background color of the current document, its title, and
many more. For a fuller explanation of the built-in objects
of JavaScript, see the section on "Document Object Model".
Functions and Methods: A JavaScript function
is quite similar to a "procedure" or "subroutine"
in other programming languages. A function is a discrete set
of statements which perform some action. It may accept incoming
values (parameters), and it may return an outgoing value. A
function is "called" from a JavaScript statement to
perform its duty. A method is simply a function which is contained
in an object. For instance, a function which closes the current
window, named close(), is part of the window object; thus, window.
close() is known as a method.
Variables and Data Types :
Variables store and retrieve data, also known as "values".
A variable can refer to a value which changes or is changed.
Variables are referred to by name, although the name you give
them must conform to certain rules. A JavaScript identifier,
or name, must start with a letter or underscore ("_");
subsequent characters can also be digits (0-9). Because JavaScript
is case sensitive, letters include the characters "A"
through "Z" (uppercase) and the characters "a"
through "z" (lowercase). Typically, variable names
are chosen to be meaningful regarding the value they hold. For
example, a good variable name for containing the total price
of goods orders would be total.
When you assign a new variable to an initial value, you must
consider the issue of scope. A variable may be scoped as either
global or local. A global variable may be accessed from any
JavaScript on the page. A local variable may only be accessed
from within the function in which it was assigned.
Commonly, you create a new global variable by simply assigning
it a value:
However, if you are coding within a function and you want to
create a local variable which only scopes within that function
you must declare the new variable using the var statement:
function newFunction()
{ var loop=l; total=0;
...additional statements...
In the example above, the variable loop will be local to new
Function (), while total will be global to the entire page.
A value, the data assigned to a variable, may consist of any
sort of data. However, JavaScript considers data to fall into
several possible types. Depending on the type of data, certain
operations may or may not be able to be performed on the values.
For example, you cannot arithmetically multiply two string values.
Variables can be these types:
Numbers : 3 or 7.987, Integer and floating-point
• Integers can be positive, 0, or negative; Integers can be
expressed in decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16), and octal
(base 8). A decimal integer literal consists of a sequence of
digits without a leading 0 (zero). A leading 0 (zero) on an
integer literal indicates it is in octal; a leading Ox (or OX)
indicates hexadecimal. Hexadecimal integers can include digits
(0-9) and the letters a-f and A-F. Octal integers can include
only the digits 0-7.
• A floating-point number can contain either a decimal point,
an "e" (uppercase or lowercase), which is used to
represent "ten to the power of in scientific notation,
or both. The exponent part is an "e" or "E"
followed by an integer, which can be signed (preceded by "+"
or "-"). A floating-point literal must have at least
one digit and either a decimal point or "e" (or "E").
Booleans :True or False. The possible Boolean
values are true and false. These are special values, and are
not usable as 1 and 0. In a comparison, any expression that
evaluates to 0 is taken to be false, and any statement that
evaluates to a number other than 0 is taken to be true.
Strings : "Hello World !" Strings
are delineated by single or double quotation marks. (Use single
quotes to type strings that contain quotation marks.)
Null : Not the same as zero – no value at all.
A null value is one that has no value and means nothing.
: A value that is undefined is a value held by a variable after
it has been created, but before a value has been assigned to
That said, JavaScript is a loosely typed language — you do not
have to specify the data type of a variable when you declare
it, and data types are converted automatically as needed during
script execution. By and large, you may simply assign any type
of data to any variable. The only time data typing matters is
when you need to perform operations on the data. Certain operators
behave differently depending on the type of data being deal
with. For example, consider the + operator:
"5"+"10" yields "510" (string
5+10 yields 15 (arithmetic sum)
Operators: Operators take one or more variables
or values (operands) and return a new value; e.g. the '+' operator
can add two numbers to produce a third. You use operators in
expressions to relate values, whether to perform arithmetic
or compare quantities. Operators are divided into several classes
depending on the relation they perform:
Arithmetic or computational : Arithmetic operators
take numerical values (either literals or variables) as their
operands and return a single numerical value. The standard arithmetic
operators are:
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus: the remainder after division;
e.g. 10% 3 yields 1.
++ Unary increment: this operator only takes one operand. The
operand's value is
increased by 1. The value returned depends on whether the ++
operator is placed
before or after the operand; e.g. ++x will return the value
ofx following the increment whereas x++ will return the value
ofx prior to the increment.
Unary decrement: this operator only takes one operand. The operand's
value is
decreased by 1. The value returned depends on whether the -
operator is placed before or after the operand; e.g. —x will
return the value ofx following the decrement whereas x— will
return the value otx prior to the decrement.
- Unary negation: returns the negation of operand.
Comparison :
A comparison operator compares its operands and returns a logical
value based on whether the comparison is true or not. The operands
can be numerical or string values. When used on string values,
the comparisons are based on the standard lexicographical (alphabetic)
== "Equal to" returns true if operands are equal.
!= "Not equal to" returns true if operands are not
> "Greater than" returns true if left operand is
greater than right operand.
>= "Greater than or equal to" returns true if left
operand is greater than or equal to right operand.
< "Less than" returns true if left operand is less
than right operand. <= "Less than or equal to"
returns true if left operand is less than or equal to right
Boolean operators are typically used to combine multiple comparisons
into a conditional expression. For example, you might want to
test whether (total>100) AND (stateTax=true). A boolean operator
takes two operands, each of which is a true or false value,
and returns a true or false result.
&& "And" returns true if both operands are
|| "Or" returns true if either operand is true.
! "Not" returns true if the negation of the operand
is true (e.g. the operand is false).
Strings can be compared using the comparison operators. Additionally,
you can concatenate strings using the + operator.
"dog" + "bert" yields "dogbert"
The assignment operator (=) lets you assign a value to a variable.
You can assign any value to a variable, including another variable
(whose value will be assigned). Several shorthand assignment
operators allow you to perform an operation and assign its result
to a variable in one step.
= Assigns the value of the righthand operand to the variable
on the left. Example: total=100:
(also -=, *=, /=)
&= (also |=)
Example: total=(price+tax+shipping)
Adds the value of the righthand operand to the lefthand variable
and stores
the result in the lefthand variable.
Example: total+=shipping (adds value of shipping to total and
result to total)
Assigns result of (lefthand operand && righthand operand)
to lefthand
Regular expressions (Netscape & MSIE 4)
New to JavaScript 1.2 is support for regular expressions, which
are defined patterns used to match character combinations appearing
in string values. Regular expressions are very powerful, potentially
allowing you to search for any conceivable character pattern.
However, they can also be quite complex to construct. Because
regular expressions are widely supported in all high-level development
environments, it is advised that you consider learning about
regular expressions as a subject unto itself.
Statements define the flow of a script, known as "program
flow." A statement, like a fully grammatical English sentence,
is made up of smaller expressions which, altogether, evaluate
into a cogent meaning. In JavaScript, statements are organized
as either conditionals, loops, object manipulations, and comments.
Good practice suggests that each JavaScript statements should
be terminated with a semicolon (;). This is often not strictly
necessary, as a new line also serves to separate statements,
but when multiple statements reside on the same line the semicolon
delimiter is mandatory.
A set of statements that is surrounded by braces is called a
block. Blocks of statements are used, for example, in functions
and conditionals.
statements are executed sequentially: x = 1; y = 2; z = x +
y; but this can be altered by some statements which test a condition
and branch or loop according to the result.
Conditional statements direct program flow in specified directions
depending upon the outcomes of specified conditions. These tests
are a major influence on the order of execution in a program.
As seen in many programming languages, if the condition evaluates
to true then the block of statements 1 it pvftp.nted. Ontionallv.
an else clause specifies a block of statements! which are executed
Vignesh Computer Education
You may omit the else clause if there are no statements which
need to be executed if the condition is false. .
if (condition) { statements!; }
else { statements2; }
Switch (Netscape & MSIE 4)
Commonly known as a "case statement," switch matches
an expression with a specified case, and executes the statements
defined for that case. In essence, the switch statement is a
sort of shorthand for combining many implied if statements together.
switch (expression){ case label :
case label :
default : statement;
For example, imagine that you wanted to execute different sets
of statements depending on whether favoritePet was "dog,"
"cat," or "iguana." Note that the break;
statement prevents any cases below the match from being executed.
The default case is matched if none of the cases match the expression.
Switch(favoritePet){ case "dog" :
case "cat" :
case "iguana" :
default : statements;
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