Computer Basic Training

Computer Fundamentals

Dos-Disk Operating System

Windows - 98

Windows - Xp


Computer Basic



HTML - hyper text transfer protocol

File Transfer Protocol

Computer Virus






Computer Glossary



BOOKMARKS–a file of links stored in a browser for quick, easy access to Web pages without remembering or typing the URL.
BROWSER–software package that allows you to navigate Web pages.

BUTTON–an active element on a Web page that allows a user to select another page or information.

BYTES–the number of bits of information stored on a page or file, often expressed in kilobytes (thousands), megabytes (millions), or gigabytes (billions).

CLICK–to place your cursor over a link or button and physically click the button on your mouse.

COOKIE–information automatically stored on your computer by a Web browser to identify you and tailor information based on your interests; often slipped onto your computer when you visit a site.

DOWNLOAD–to transfer a file from a Web site to your personal computer.

DROP-DOWN-BOXES-text lists that drop down from a menu from which you can make choices.

FAQs–frequently asked questions, a common feature on Web sites.

FIELDS–areas in an electronic form to fill in information, such as a name or phone number.

FIREWALL–security measures meant to protect a networked system from unauthorized or unwelcome intrusion.

FORM–interactive Web page that allows users to submit information or pre-formatted requests or queries or to answer pre-formatted questions.

HARDWARE–the electronic or mechanical equipment of your computer.

HOME PAGE–the first page of a Web site, sometimes after a “splash page.”

ICONS–graphic representations of functions on software toolbars.

INTERNET–the worldwide network of interconnected computers that includes a graphic portion known as the World Wide Web (or “the Web”).

ISP (Internet Service Provider)–a company or organization that maintains a connection to the Internet, often a commercial enterprise or university.

LINKS–a hypertext connection between Web pages or sites.

LOGIN-IN or LOGIN-ON ID-account name used to access a computer system; also, to gain access to a computer system.

MENU BAR–a list of choices on a Web page.

PLUG IN'S-a small program added to a larger program to allow the larger program to do more and or specific applications.

QUCIKTIME*–a special application for viewing movies.

SCREEN RESOLUTION–number of pixels high and wide your screen is set to display, such as 640 x 480 and 600 x 800.

SEARCH ENGINE–a Web site that helps users locate information on other Web sites.

SERVER–a computer system that manages, delivers, and stores Web sites.

SHOCKWAVE*–a plug-in program that helps interactive multimedia presentations to play in a browser window.

SOFTWARE–any computer program that instructs the hardware how to work.

SPALSH PAGE–an introductory page that attracts users to your site and which leads into your home page.

STREAMING–software that allows viewing a continuous stream of a multimedia file without first downloading the entire file.

TIMEOUT–breaking of a connection to a Web site after a determined amount of inactive time.

TOOLBAR–selectable options on a software window, usually shown graphically.

URL (Universal Resource Locator)–the Internet “address” of a Web page.

VIEWER–a program or add-on used to view graphic images, video, or animation, often in a Web page.

WEB–shortened jargon for World Wide Web.

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